erik [att]

16 December 2024

(English translation below)

I finally received Erik Malm's latest substantial book.
It is simply fabulous and beautifully printed. After all, I could only expect an extraordinarily beautiful
and intriguing editorial product. Erik Malm is a photographer who has developed a formidable
photographic technique over the course of his long career.
It is ICM, or Intentional Camera Movement, the evolution of panning. It is not, therefore, a new
technique, with a single shot a moving subject is represented as if it were still or almost, and the
background is moved, thus accentuating the idea of movement and dynamism. In nature
photography this technique offers highly suggestive ideas, going beyond the conventional
boundaries of photography. After all, the representation of movement is a subject of study in all Art
Academies. In photography it is quite normal to freeze the action and show the detail, reality as it
is. At most, to resort to sequences. Motion blur has always been viewed with horror, as one of the
errors that the photographer must absolutely avoid, especially in nature photography.
Many photographers have not followed this rule and have ventured into new paths, in search of
different interpretations. Here then the intentional blur, made with just the camera, multiple shots,
low ISO, shutter speeds from 1/30 down, and minimal use of post-production, becomes a creative
technique through which to express emotions and visions. The great landscape photographer
Ansel Adam loved to repeat that “You don’t make a photograph just with a camera. You bring to the
act of photography all the pictures you have seen, the books you have read, the music you have
heard, the people you have loved”.

And in the intentional blur there is all this. And there is Erik Malm. For him it was probably easy: he
was already an artist. Born in 1964 in Sweden, he began his artistic career as a musician. In the
1980s he studied clarinet at the College of Music (now the Academy of Music and Drama) in
Goteborg, Sweden, then he conducted, and founded the Philharmonic Chamber Ensemble. Today
he works full-time as a photographer. In a world where photography often strives for clarity,
precision, exaltation of detail, compositional perfection and post-production obsession, Malm goes
against the grain and celebrates the beauty of blur, the mystery of movement, the poetry of the
imperfect. His work reminds us that true art is not only in capturing reality with brushes and paints,
interpreting the balances of light, the atmospheres of environments, the emotional densities
reproduced in canvases, but also in revealing the invisible worlds that live just beyond our
perception, inviting us to see not only with our eyes, but with our emotional tension. Erik Malm
exalts the perfection of imperfection.

30x30 cm, 167 immagini, 348 pagine, peso
3,5 kg.
ISBN 978-91-531-0661-6
Stampato con la tecnologia Hybrid Print
sull'esclusiva carta Arctic Paper Munken

Polar Rough con struttura acquarellica. Un vero e proprio "libro da tavolino Fine Art”.

09 December 2024

Thanks for the honor to again have an article in this Magazine!!

09 December 2024

The text in English:

"This is a book in a class of its own, something completely different from the other books we present. It is a gigantic book - with thick, rough paper - around 300 pages - and with images that belong to the world of the senses. Erik has previously published a series of articles in Natur&Foto where he talks about the ICM technique - that is, Intentional Camera Movement. He holds the camera still for a moment and then paints with it afterwards. In other words, he uses the camera as an artist would use a brush. Many, including us, have tried the technique, but must say that there is a long way to go for us. Yes, we simply do not understand how it is possible to create images in this way. The images in the book are such ICM images, and all of them are of artistic value. Yes, because if this is not art, then we do not know. For the ultimate inspiration to see the world in a new way - yes, this is the book to immerse yourself in. The book measures 30x30 cm and has 348 pages, and weighs a whopping 3.5 kilos. Ordered directly from Malm here:"

"Natur&Foto" (Norway)

18 September 2024

With more than 900 books in the IPA (International Photo Awards), I got a Honorable Mention...think I have to be happy for that!!

Also my book "Bränningsland" got a Honorable Mention in the same competition some year ago!

You can purchase the books in the Webshop!